Career HQ Collection: Skill-building GSX 2023 Conference Recording
1.25 CPE
This GSX 2023 Career HQ Collection includes 3 recordings addressing skill-building.
1.25 CPE
This GSX 2023 Career HQ Collection includes 3 recordings addressing skill-building.
Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace
The training will help Security Professional and Administrators to develop skills in identifying and intervening with people suffering from mental illness or behavior disorder in the workplace. What participants will learn: Explore Mental Health Awareness in an interactive way, recognize common signs and symptoms, be able to respond and support. Look after your own mental wellbeing via self-assessments, exercises, and useful resources. Feel more at ease when talking about mental health Through an exercise and a detailed infographic you will get conversation tips, useful phrases, and expressions to use, ways to start a conversation and offer support.
Presenting Like an Executive: PowerPoints
There are a lot of different ways that ideas are presented, especially using tools like PowerPoint. It can depend on both the presenter and the audience. Yet, executives have a whole different approach to their presentations, and not understanding that can lead a senior security executive to being seen as an outsider. Mastering this skill is often critical to the success of a security department, and this presentation provides the framework many security executives need to have for successful boardroom interactions.
Security Culture for a Great Workplace: The Culture-Building Journey and Personal Characteristics to Succeed
This session will explore the art of human connection to develop advocates to build your culture. First impressions, credibility, and getting a seat at the proverbial ""leaders' table"" will help security professionals understand the required nuances of developing relationships with people at all levels of the organization.
The security profession presents ongoing opportunities to show empathy and genuine care about all employees as people first, then work toward them becoming advocates and embracing the security program based on your ability to gain their trust by maintaining consistency, innovation, and the right communication skills.
1.25 CPE