Better Security Training Best of GSX 2021 Conference Recording

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Learn how to improve the effectiveness of your training programs in this curated package of GSX recordings.


Improve the impact of security training in your organization. This Best of GSX package includes 5 recordings to help you make trainings effective.

This package includes:

  • Building Resilience with a Better Approach to Training Exercises
  • Plans don't manage emergencies, people do. As security professionals tasked with emergency preparedness efforts, it can be easy to focus on a range of likely incident scenarios as we plan training exercises. With millions of potential scenarios out there, the more effective approach is to focus training efforts and program resources on building capability, rather than specific scenario responses. Explore a capabilities-based approach, discuss why it matters, and share tools on how to incorporate it into your own emergency preparedness program.
  • How Cyber Exercises Can Improve Cyber Security in Every Organization
  • Learn how cyber exercise seminars can educate senior executives to the business risk of not understanding specific threats and how they can disrupt the organization. Discover how leveraging cyber exercise workshops can help stakeholders to collaborate to build cyber response plans and playbooks that work as well as allowing them to think through changes and quickly and effectively adapt those plans and playbooks when introducing new technologies. Empower leaders to critically evaluate cyber response plans and playbooks through cyber exercise tabletops. Inform leaders and improve cyber threat response through cyber exercise drills. Identify how specific cyber exercises can address the specific needs of the audience. 
  • Never Waste an Emergency: Resilient Recovery through After-Action Reporting
  • A thorough after-action report (AAR) based on information gathered from responders, stakeholders, and partners provides an organization with three benefits: clear understanding of the incident, lessons learned, and a plan for continuous improvement. Executed properly, the AAR process and the resulting improvement plan (IP) sets an organization on the path toward resilient recovery. Using the only universally shared emergency in recent history—the COVID-19 pandemic—as a concrete example, participants will receive a 10-step roadmap to implement their own AAR/IP process. Participants will practice the AAR/IP process through an interactive, mock AAR/IP workshop drawing on their actual COVID-19 response objectives and issues.
  • Red Teaming: The Key to Effective Security
  • The failure to predict is a failure to protect. Simulation of aggressors' modus operandi through proper red teaming pushes the limits of what security operations think is possible and illuminates vulnerabilities. Red teams create security innovation and truly proactive security operations. Designing and maintaining an effective red-teaming program is the must-have component of any security operation, regardless of size and risk profile.This session will provide a detailed overview of an effective red-teaming program, application, and red teams' impact via case studies, standard process, methods, team composition, and methodology to execute and manage effective red teams and red-teaming programs.
  • Keys to Implementing an Enterprise Security Awareness Training Program
  • With the current increase in violence across the globe, the need to develop and implement a comprehensive “Security Awareness Training Program” is critical.  In this session, we will discuss best practices for how to train and educate an entire workforce in these key security areas:  the Fundamentals of Personal Security; Fundamentals of Physical Security and Fundamentals of Cybersecurity.  Additionally, this session will cover how to align this content with the new ANSI/ASIS Security Awareness Standard and distribute the training in an engaging, time-sensitive, distance-learning environment.

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