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  1. Best Seller Business Continuity Management Guideline (Softcover)
    Business Continuity Management Guideline (Softcover)
    Nonmember Price: $70.00
    Member Price: $35.00
  2. Best Seller Workplace Violence and Active Assailant - Prevention, Intervention, and Response Standard (ASIS WVPI AA-2020) (Softcover)
    Workplace Violence and Active Assailant - Prevention, Intervention, and Response Standard (ASIS WVPI AA-2020) (Softcover)
    Nonmember Price: $70.00
    Member Price: $35.00
  3. Security and Resilience in Organizations and their Supply Chains Standard (Softcover)
    Security and Resilience in Organizations and their Supply Chains Standard (Softcover)
    Nonmember Price: $90.00
    Member Price: $45.00
  4. The Science and Art of Security Risk Assessment
    The Science and Art of Security Risk Assessment
    Nonmember Price: $90.00
    Member Price: $45.00
  5. Protection of Assets (2021 edition) - Crisis Management
    Protection of Assets (2021 edition) - Crisis Management
    Nonmember Price: $119.00
    Member Price: $85.00
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