The Critical Role of Threat Assessments in Violence Prevention Webinar
Sponsored By: Hillard Heintze, A Jensen Hughes Company
Sponsored By: Hillard Heintze, A Jensen Hughes Company
Tragedies, including those at Fort Hood, Texas, Virginia Tech, WDBJ News Station and Mercy Hospital in Chicago, deliver painful lessons. Specifically, they underscore the point that behavioral threat assessments and threat assessment teams are critical to preventing targeted acts of violence. Join a threat and violence prevention expert to examine the threat assessment and prevention best practices that were absent in these highly-publicized incidents. Walk through the practical steps that can ensure that threat assessment teams and policies are equipped to promote prevention and, potentially, save lives.
ASIS International acknowledges and thanks Hillard Heintze, a Jensen Hughes Company for their sponsorship!
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Matthew Doherty
Senior Vice President and Practice Lead, Threat + Violence Risk Management
Hillard Heintze, a Jensen Hughes Company
Matthew has over 24 years of experience leading law enforcement and intelligence programs and investigations in the prevention of violence by developing and enhancing methodologies with national security priorities. Matthew is widely recognized across the United States as among the most experienced senior experts in assessing an individual's potential for danger and preventing targeted violence against our nation's leaders and national critical infrastructure as well as major events and the corporate workplace. As former director of the U.S. Secret Service'sNational Threat Assessment Center, he managed training on threat assessment and targeted violence prevention for more than 70,000 federal, state and local law enforcement personnel. He is a member of ASIS International, the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP), and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
Sponsored By: Hillard Heintze, A Jensen Hughes Company