Pathway to Violence: Recognize and Identify Webinar

Nonmember Price: $99.00
Member Price: $0.00
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Learn how to recognize and identify potential threats in your workplace that precede an attack. This webinar references the Department of Homeland Security's Pathway to Violence model and applies it to the workplace.


Learn how to recognize and identify potential threats in your workplace that precede an attack. This webinar references the Department of Homeland Security's Pathway to Violence model and applies it to the workplace.

This webinar is sponsored by the ASIS Retail Asset Protection Council.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Learn about the DHS Pathway to Violence model
  • Recognize behavior indicators leading to workplace violence
  • Learn where to access the Department of Homeland Security training materials that are free for educating your employees

Credit Information

CPE credits for ASIS-sponsored webinars will be updated in your user profile within 48 hours of completion. Self-reporting of CPE credits is not required.


Keith Aubele, CPP
President & CEO
Nav1gate Group

Alan F. Greggo, CPP, CFE
Asset Protection

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