Can We Reliably Prevent the Next Workplace/School Shooting? Webinar
We all know that there is no absolute (100%) violence prevention; however, we can get out in front of, and reliably prevent violence! The FBI and Secret Service have for years suggested the most reliable way of preventing a future shooting is by identifying someone on the path to violence. We all know that current systems like See Something, Say Something, Profiling, Mental Health Assessments and Identifying Stressors are not meeting our expectations. The future for Security Professionals will be with those who are able to reliably identify individuals on the path and prevent violence from occurring, in a way that:
1. Does not violate HIPAA, FERPA or the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2. Demonstrates its value to management by producing real-time Evidence-based Best Practices.
Be part of the future! Watch how John D. Byrnes will take us step by step to show us how we can reliably identify someone on the path to violence and thus prevent the next violent act. A winning future for any and all Security Professionals!
Learning Objectives
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Better understand why current programs fall short of our expectations. Examples are: - The use of "See something, say something" - The use of Mental Health Assessments - The use of profiling - The use of Stressors
- Understand "identifying someone on the path to violence." - Understand the use of "Aggression" - Learn about Primal (adrenaline-driven) Aggression - Learn about Cognitive (intent-driven) Aggression - Learn about the Meter of Emerging Aggression
Credit Information
CPE credits for ASIS-sponsored webinars will be updated in your user profile within 48 hours of completion. Self-reporting of CPE credits is not required.
John D. Byrnes
D.Hum Founder and CEO Center for Aggression Management
John D. Byrnes, D.Hum, is a successful businessman, author, and lecturer, who became interested in the subject of aggression management after concluding that there were no comprehensive training programs dedicated to preventing aggression in the workplace. His research revealed that other methods being used to deal with conflict and violence were not working. With over 22,000 Security Professional First Connections on LinkedIn, John has made a significant impact on global Security Professionals who have read his unique perspective in over 60 articles posted on LinkedIn. In 1993, John formed the Center for Aggression Management in Orlando, Fla., to train organizations and individuals to use aggression management techniques to recognize aggressive behavior and to prevent violence by managing aggressive behavior. Since that time, he has served as the CEO and lead Instructor for the Center for Aggression Management having provided training to individuals from approximately 500 organizations throughout the United States. The training demonstrates to individuals and employers that they can prevent aggression rather than merely react to it. Results include the reduced risk of aggression-related violence, reduced risk management costs, and improved productivity.