Getting to Grips with Environmental Risk ASIS Europe 2021 Conference Recording
.5 CPE
This session will provide a global overview of the type of risk, key locations impacted, potential damage, and organisational perceptions and preparations for environmental risks and look at the implications for security teams.
.5 CPE
With damages costing hundreds of billions of Euros around the globe annually, environmental risks are rightly in the spotlight. How well do you understand this risk and how it relates to the role of the security leader?
This session will start by providing an expert, global overview of the type of risk, key locations impacted, potential damage, and organisational perceptions and preparations for these risks.
We’ll then dig in to the implications for today’s and tomorrow’s security teams, with virtual roundtable discussions that allow all participants to exchange and benchmark their knowledge and preparedness.
Moderated by James Morris, Head of Security Services, EMEA, Corporate Protection Services, Aon
Presentation by Michael Szoenyi, Flood Resilience Program Lead, Zurich Insurance Company
This session was originally presented at ASIS Europe 2021. This session is only available to ASIS Members.
.5 CPE